
Lactic Acid Chemical Peels, Who Should Use Them and Why?

Lactic acid chemical peels are a common trend. However, people still find it invasive and are fearful to experiment with it. Lactic acid chemical peels remove the top dead layer of the skin to leave behind nourished and rejuvenated skin. Lactic acid is present in several cosmetic products, but its percentage is not enough to yield results.

How Does a Lactic Acid Chemical Peel Work?

A lactic acid chemical peel is one of the forms of AHA technology. It is naturally present in fruits, milk, sugars, etc. The lactic acid acts as an exfoliant reducing dead skin cells and speeding up the reproduction process of the skin. Lactic acid chemical peels promote healthy skin growth and treat skin problems.

Who Can Benefit From a Lactic Acid Chemical Peel?

If you have visible lines of wrinkles, acne scars, Colored or irregular pigmentation, recurrent acne, and other such problems. The lactic acid chemical peel can greatly benefit you. If you have bumpy skin, skin issues, or feel your skin is aging, the lactic acid peel is the perfect treatment for you. You can expect smoother, younger, and more glowing skin after treatment. However, before undergoing this process, please check the ingredients in case you are allergic to certain substances.

Why Choose a Lactic Acid Chemical Peel?

Many creams and scrubs claim to reduce pigmentation, acne, or wrinkles. However, they are too slow to act because the concentration of AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) is low. Most people never get the expected results simply because their regular creams are not powerful enough.
However, while getting a lactic acid chemical peel, you can be sure of getting positive results. It may seem like a complicated or invasive procedure, but in reality, it is not.

Visit Limoges Beauty, New York, and get a lactic acid chemical peel done by experts. You can also choose our other services like electrolysis, lip fillers, fat reducers, and many more. Book an appointment today to learn more about lactic acid chemical peels.

Experience the Benefits of Microneedling in New York

Microneedling is a popular cosmetic procedure that has gained significant popularity in recent years. It is a minimally invasive treatment that involves the use of tiny needles to create controlled micro-injuries on the skin’s surface. This stimulates the natural healing process, resulting in numerous skin benefits. If you’re considering microneedling in New York, this comprehensive guide will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Understanding Microneedling: A Comprehensive Overview

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a cosmetic procedure that involves the use of a specialized device called a derma roller or a derma pen. These devices have fine, sterile needles that create tiny puncture wounds on the skin’s surface. The purpose of this procedure is to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, two essential proteins that provide skin with its structure, firmness, and elasticity.

Microneedling has gained popularity in recent years due to its effectiveness in treating various skin concerns. It is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed by a trained professional in a clinical setting or even at home with the right tools and guidance. The technique has been widely adopted by dermatologists and aestheticians as a safe and efficient way to rejuvenate the skin.

The Benefits of Microneedling

One of the primary benefits of microneedling is its ability to rejuvenate the skin and combat signs of aging. By stimulating collagen and elastin production, microneedling helps to improve skin texture, firmness, and elasticity. This can result in a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as an overall improvement in skin tone and clarity.

Choosing the Right Microneedling Clinic in New York

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Clinic

When selecting a microneedling clinic in New York, it’s important to consider several factors. Firstly, you should ensure that the clinic is reputable and has qualified specialists with experience in microneedling. Additionally, you may want to consider the clinic’s hygiene protocols, the types of microneedling devices used, and any additional services or treatments they offer.

Questions to Ask Your Potential Microneedling Specialist

Before committing to a microneedling clinic, it’s a good idea to ask your potential specialist a few key questions. These may include inquiries about their qualifications, their experience with microneedling, the expected number of sessions required to achieve your goals, and any potential risks or side effects of the procedure. It’s essential to feel confident and comfortable with your chosen specialist before proceeding with the treatment.

In conclusion, microneedling is a highly popular cosmetic procedure that offers a range of benefits for individuals looking to improve their skin’s appearance and texture. With its growing popularity, New York has become a hub for top-notch microneedling clinics and specialists. By understanding the procedure, its benefits, and what to expect during a session, you can make an informed decision and experience the benefits of microneedling in the vibrant city of New York.

Rediscover Radiant Skin: Your Guide to Skin Rejuvenation in New York

The appearance of your skin has a major impact on how people perceive you, and how they interact with you. Unfortunately, the sun, genetics and everyday activities can take their toll on your facial skin over time, making it look tired, dull and aged. Fortunately, with new technology and cosmetic techniques, it’s easier now than ever before to minimize the effects of aging on your face and restore a healthier complexion. From laser therapy, radiofrequency treatments and collagen induction to medical-grade skin care products, we can help you achieve softer, smoother, more radiant looking skin.

Almost anyone bothered by the visible signs of aging and sun damage is a good candidate for skin rejuvenation in New York. This non-invasive treatment is effective for removing lesions, skin tags, brown spots, redness and pigmentation, reducing the size of pores and eradicating fine lines and wrinkles. We have a wide variety of treatments, so you’re sure to find one that is ideal for your unique concerns.

Rejuvenate Your Skin With Microneedling

Microneedling is a non-invasive, minimally invasive procedure that helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while firming up your facial skin. It is also known as collagen induction therapy, and it uses a device with tiny needles that are placed into the surface of your skin. It can cause a slight amount of bleeding during the process, but it doesn’t last very long. In fact, you can usually return to your normal daily routine immediately after the procedure.

Aesthetically Superior Skin Care

At New Face NY, our double board certified plastic surgeon offers a variety of skin rejuvenation treatments that will help to give you the beautiful facial appearance you desire. We are proud to offer the latest innovations in anti-aging skincare treatments and will customize a program that is best suited for your specific needs.

Our office is staffed with well-trained, courteous and professional staff who are dedicated to providing you with an exceptional experience. When you arrive at our state-of-the-art facility, we will greet you in an aesthetically delightful and elegant waiting lounge that suggests the high level of artistry and skill that you will experience during your procedure.

When you come in for your appointment, we will perform a thorough consultation and assessment of your skin, discussing your concerns and goals with you. We will then explain what we can do to help you achieve your desired outcome, and we may suggest one or more of our highly effective skin rejuvenation procedures. You will then be led to a treatment room, where you will change into a tube robe and lie down on the bed for your treatment session. We will then apply a topical anesthetic to ensure your comfort during the treatment.

What does a vampire facial do? Know its 5 benefits for skin

The pursuit of youthful and radiant skin has led to the rise of innovative skincare treatments. Among all skin treatments, Vampire Facial in NYC has become a popular choice. Vampire Facial offers a holistic approach to rejuvenating your skin. Let us delve into what a vampire facial does and explore five remarkable benefits it offers for glowing and youthful skin. 

What is a Vampire Facial?

A Vampire Facial in NYC is a unique skin treatment. It is also known as Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, involves drawing a small amount of your blood, processing it to concentrate platelets and growth factors, and then injecting or applying this PRP to your skin. A vampire facial in NYC involves a combination of micro-needling and PRP therapy. This innovative treatment stimulates collagen production, accelerates tissue repair, and addresses various skin concerns.

Benefits of a Vampire Facial:

  • Enhanced Collagen Production: One of the essential benefits of Vampire Facials, NYC, is that PRP triggers collagen synthesis, promoting skin elasticity and firmness. This natural boost in collagen production leads to smoother, tighter skin texture.
  • Diminished Fine Lines and Wrinkles: By stimulating collagen and elastin fibers, a Vampire Facial minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, resulting in a more youthful complexion.
  • Improved Skin Tone and Texture: PRP contains proteins that aid in tissue regeneration. Vampire Facial helps even out skin tone, reduce hyperpigmentation, and refine skin texture, leaving you with a smoother, more even complexion. 
  • Reduced Acne Scarring: If you are someone with acne scars, a Vampire Facial in NYC can be transformative. The growth factors promote tissue repair, helping to fade acne scars and enhance the skin’s overall appearance.
  • Natural Glow and Radiance: The rejuvenating effects of a Vampire Facial translate to a healthy and radiant glow. As your skin becomes revitalized from within, you’ll notice improved overall complexion and luminosity.


A vampire facial, or PRP therapy, is a cutting-edge skin treatment that harnesses the body’s natural healing mechanisms for radiant and rejuvenated skin. Contact Limoges Beauty to get the best Vampire Facial in NYC and other expert skin treatments!

Everything You Need to Know about Electrolysis Hair Removal

When it comes to permanent hair removal, electrolysis is one of the best hair removal treatments. Unlike temporary solutions like shaving or waxing, electrolysis offers a long-lasting solution by targeting individual hair follicles. Here is everything you need to know about electrolysis hair removal in New York.

How Does Electrolysis Work?

The process of electrolysis involves a trained professional inserting a fine probe into each hair follicle. The probe delivers a low-level electrical current that destroys the hair follicle’s growth cells. 

Post-Treatment Care

Following electrolysis, it’s essential to care for the treated area to promote healing and minimize potential side effects. Your electrologist will provide specific aftercare instructions, which may include avoiding direct sunlight, using soothing creams, and refraining from using harsh products or picking at the treated area.


Benefits of Electrolysis Hair Removal:

Permanent Hair Removal: Unlike temporary hair removal methods, electrolysis provides permanent results. It targets the hair follicles and destroys them, preventing regrowth and offering long-lasting hair removal. Once the hair follicle is damaged, it does not regenerate, offering long-lasting results.

Suitable for All Hair and Skin Types: Electrolysis is safe and effective for all hair colors, textures, and skin types. Whether you have light or dark hair, and regardless of your skin tone, electrolysis can remove unwanted hair.

Minimal Discomfort: While individual sensitivity may vary, electrolysis is generally well-tolerated and involves minimal discomfort. Skilled electrologists prioritize your comfort during the procedure and can adjust the settings accordingly.

Personalized Treatment Plans: Each person’s hair growth pattern and needs are unique. Electrolysis allows for personalized treatment plans that cater to individual requirements.


Electrolysis is performed by trained and experienced professionals who can provide guidance and answer any questions you may have. They can assess your specific needs, create a personalized treatment plan, and ensure your safety throughout the process. Contact Limoges Beauty for professional advice and expert services, including best electrolysis hair removal in NYC.

Check out our other blog: Discovering the Best Skin Rejuvenation Method: Laser Skin Resurfacing or Chemical Peels?

Discovering the Best Skin Rejuvenation Method: Laser Skin Resurfacing or Chemical Peels?

When it comes to skin rejuvenation, there are several options, including chemical peels and laser treatments. Both treatments can help improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone. In this blog, we’ll explore the differences between chemical peels and laser treatment, focusing on skin resurfacing, particularly the VI Peel in NYC.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a non-invasive treatment that uses a chemical solution to exfoliate the outer layers of skin, revealing smoother, healthier skin underneath. There are different types of chemical peels, including light, medium, and deep peels, depending on the severity of the skin concerns being treated. The VI Peel is a type of medium-depth peel that uses a combination of ingredients, including trichloroacetic acid (TCA), to achieve optimal results.

One of the advantages of chemical peel, like the VI Peel, is that it can be customized to meet the needs of every patient. It is effective in treating many skin concerns, including acne, hyperpigmentation, and sun damage. 

Laser Treatments

Laser treatments on the other hand, use laser technology to remove the outer layers of damaged skin, revealing smoother, healthier skin underneath. It can also help stimulate collagen production, which can improve skin texture and firmness.

One of the drawbacks of laser treatments is that they can be uncomfortable, and there may be some redness and swelling after the treatment. One must avoid sun exposure and protect the skin with sunscreen during the healing.

Chemical peels Vs Laser treatments

When deciding between chemical peels and laser treatments, it’s essential to consider your specific skin concerns and goals. If you have sensitive skin or you are looking for a treatment with minimal downtime, a chemical peel like the VI Peel may be a better option. If you’re looking for a treatment that can target deep layers of the skin and stimulate collagen production, a fractional laser skin resurfacing treatment may be a better fit.


With the right treatment plan and aftercare, you can achieve smoother, healthier-looking skin and feel more confident in your appearance. Contact Limoges Beauty for expert consultation and one of the finest skin resurfacing in NYC.

7 Ways To Remove Unwanted Hair

Unwanted hair is a common problem faced by both men and women around the world. Various temporary and permanent hair removal methods are available to remove unwanted hair from the body. Here are some of the safe and effective ways to remove unwanted hair.

  1. Shaving- It is one of the oldest methods of hair removal. A sharp blade cuts the hair shaft that pops from the surface. One can easily use a razor to shave body hair, the bikini area, and fine facial hair. Although cheap and effective, it is temporary and can leave skin bumps.
  1. Waxing- It involves the removal of hair from the roots. They can be self-administered or by a professional. Waxing lasts longer than shaving but can cause burns, inflammation, redness, etc. 
  1. Threading- It is a common practice to bring eyebrows in shape or remove extra hair from the upper lips and chin. It uses thread and some knots to remove hair. 
  1. Electrolysis- Electrolysis comes under permanent hair removal methods and is a very effective way of removing unwanted hairs. The roots of the hair follicle are damaged by passing some current through it. Electrolysis is the only FDA-approved permanent treatment for hair removal.
permanent hair removal methods
  1. Laser treatment- This treatment involves a laser beam targeted towards a body part and destroys the hair follicles to prevent regrowth. This treatment is permanent and requires several sessions. Consult a treatment expert or a dermatologist before undergoing a permanent hair removal treatment. 
  1. Hair removal creams- There are various creams and gels available in the market used for unwanted hair removal. These creams contain chemicals that break down the keratin of the hair. 
  1. Tweezers or epilators- Many people prefer using an epilator or tweezer for hair removal. Both these measures can be time-consuming and a little painful. 

When choosing a hair removal method, there are a lot of factors to consider, for instance, safety, budget, skin type, hair growth, longevity, etc. It is advised that one should opt for permanent hair removal methods such as electrolysis hair removal. Contact Limoges Beauty for premium hair removal services or expert recommendations.

PRP Facial Treatment: How Long Does It Last?

PRP, or Platelet Rich Plasma therapy, is a non-invasive treatment for glowing, tight skin. The treatment involves the extraction of plasma from the individual’s body, processing it, and then releasing it on facial skin. It gives your facial skin an instant boost and rejuvenates the skin cells. PRP is a popular treatment, especially in NYC. However, many people wonder about its longevity. 

How Long Can Facial PRP last?

The therapy has different effects on different people. Usually, PRP therapy can effectively last for about two years. It is highly beneficial as it is a safe, gentle, and natural treatment. PRP treatment in NYC is effective on all skin types. It supports your collagen and elastin levels in the skin which help in battling signs of aging. Here are five ways to take care of your skin post-PRP therapy and make it last longer!

PRP treatment in NYC
  • Avoid Direct Sun Exposure:- Sunlight is crucial for both your mental and physical health, but it’s direct exposure can be harmful. Long exposure to the sun can cause burns and rashes. It is advised to always wear an SPF while stepping out to protect your skin and the treatment. 
  • Avoid Smoking and Drugs:- Smoke and drugs can directly affect your skin and its structural bundles. They reduce the levels of degenerative substances and induce aging. 
  • Stay Gentle With Your Skin:- After PRP treatment, do not use harsh products or chemicals on your skin. Do not exfoliate too much. After using a scrub or face wash, moisturize your skin gently. 
  • Maintain a Healthy Skincare Routine:- After the treatment, it is essential to maintain a healthy skincare routine. Use natural serums and toners for plumpy skin.
  • Relax Yourself:- Prolonged periods of stress can contribute to acne, skin issues, and wrinkles. To maintain healthy, glowing skin one must relax. Getting good sleep and meditating can marvellously help your skin. 

Do you want celebrity-like skin without any surgical treatments? PRP therapy is the best option for you. Get the best PRP treatment in NYC at Limoges Beauty. Book your appointment today for personalized suggestions, treatment plans, and more!

Learn More About Lip Injection Treatment

Having a lip injection treatment can be a great way to enhance your lips. Regardless of age or the condition of your lips, a procedure such as this can restore their plumpness and definition. Moreover, the results can be very natural looking. It can also help erase fine lines around the mouth and restore volume.

The lips are one of the most defining facial features. This means they play a very important role in balancing the other facial features. Consequently, it is important to find a doctor who can help you achieve a lip shape that fits your face. Luckily, there are many cosmetic surgeons who have the skills to help you achieve the look that you desire.

Lip augmentation is a very popular cosmetic procedure which is especially ideal for people who have thin lips or have lost their natural lip volume with age. The results are subtle and natural looking, which means you can continue wearing makeup. However, it is important to understand that these injections are not permanent. They only last up to 6-12 months, and then they can be removed. Some patients may experience a slight redness around their lips after the procedure.

Types of Lip Fillers

There are several types of dermal fillers that can be used to enhance the lips. These fillers include Restylane and Juvederm. Restylane and Juvederm are FDA approved, non-surgical products that help to add volume and smooth out wrinkles around the mouth. However, if you’re concerned about the side effects, you should look for a doctor who specializes in these procedures.

These cosmetic injections are easy to perform and do not have any serious risks. They only take a few minutes and can be done safely and without bleeding. The only downside is that the solution may cause some bruising and swelling. This may take a few days to disappear, but most patients can resume their normal activities immediately after the treatment.

The solution is injected carefully to give the lips a natural, plump look. Depending on the doctor you choose, you may experience bruising and swelling for a few days after the procedure. This usually subsides in the next five to six days. You should also avoid activities that increase blood flow to your face. You should not exercise on the day of the procedure.

Where To Take This Treatment

Lip injections require advanced training and experience. In order to find the best doctor for this procedure, you should choose a board-certified dermatologist who has a proven track record of cosmetic injections. The doctor you choose will also explain what to expect before, during and after the procedure. This is also a good time to ask any questions you may have. During your consultation, he or she will be able to compose a custom treatment plan, including a list of complications, an approach to the procedure and the results you can expect to achieve.

If you are in New York, and looking for a certified expert for this treatment, then Limoges Beauty will be the best option for you. It is a best place where you can have hair removal treatment like electrolysis and skin care & other cosmetic treatments like lip injection in NYC.

Lip injections are a great way to enhance your lips and bring your facial features into balance. They can restore volume to thin lips, erase fine lines around the mouth, and enhance the overall look of your face.

Chemical Peels for Sun Damaged Skin

The sun is known to cause skin aging, wrinkles, and yellowing. If you have any of these sun damage issues, you may be looking to reverse these signs and rejuvenate your facial skin. In that case, you should think about getting a chemical peel, which is the best treatment option for sun damage. VI chemical peel is a popular treatment for this type of damage, and it can help to improve the appearance and feel of your skin. Continue reading to learn more about the VI chemical peel treatment.

What is VI chemical peel?

VI chemical peels are a type of skin care treatment that removes sun damage by using organic acids. To treat sun exposure, this procedure employs heat, pressure, and medication. It can take up to 2-3 weeks for full effects to take effect, but results can vary depending on the severity of sun damage.

Why should I use VI chemical peel?

Chemical peels are a popular sun damage skin treatment option that has been shown to be effective in the treatment of brown spots, lesions, and sun damage. When selecting a chemical peel, many factors must be considered, including the patient’s skin type and symptoms. Chemical peels should be used only if other options, such as professional medical attention or sunscreen application, fail to produce satisfactory results.

So, if you live in New York and are looking for the best sun damage treatment provider, consider Limoges Beauty. We are the best dermatologists offering the best hair removal, skincare, and sun damage skin treatment in NYC. Get in touch now!